Compliance Statement
Aware of our corporate social responsibility, we will comply with all laws, regulations, rules, social norms and ethics, and strive to be a company that is trusted by society.
Compliance Code of Conduct
1. We will act in a lawful manner as a member of society.
・We will comply with laws, regulations, social norms and internal rules and conduct fair transactions.
・We recognise that we are members of society and act with moderation.
・We strive for a smooth exchange of opinions and make fair internal decisions based on rules.
2.We shall provide services that satisfy our customers and strive to enhance trust as a company.
・We will maintain a customer-oriented attitude and provide full explanations when conducting transactions.
・We will sincerely listen to our customers’ opinions and use them in providing our services.
・Each of us will faithfully perform the tasks for which we are responsible and will not commit any fraudulent acts.
3.Information will be properly protected and managed.
・We will strictly manage information obtained through our work in accordance with relevant laws.
・We will establish an appropriate information security environment and provide a secure information system environment.
・We will ensure that personal information is strictly managed and handled in accordance with our privacy policy.
4.We will endeavour to disclose information appropriately.
・We will properly manage the information we hold and keep it available for accurate disclosure when required.
・We will not make fraudulent or misleading entries in the company’s accounting records.
・We will handle Company information properly and will not engage in insider trading.
5.We will seek to prevent corrupt practices.
・We will comply with the anti-corruption laws and regulations of Japan and other relevant countries.
6.Maintain good relations with business partners.
・We will not do business with anti-social forces such as gangs.
・We maintain fair and free relations with our business partners and do not make unreasonable demands, etc. (including bribery and other corrupt practices). We do not engage in unreasonable demands, etc. (including bribery and other corrupt practices).
・We will respect and use appropriately the intellectual property rights of third parties.
7.We will create a work environment with high moral standards.
・We will strictly comply with labour laws and strive to build a fair and honest corporate culture.
・We will strive to prevent all forms of harassment and maintain a work environment with high moral standards.
・We respect each other and create an attractive working environment.
- [Inquiries Regarding Compliance Policy]
- For inquiries regarding this policy, please contact us at the following:
Nichibei Parts Co., Ltd. Personnel and General Affairs Department
TEL: +81(0)3-3688-5258
Inquiry Hours: (Monday to Friday, [excluding company-designated holidays and year-end/New Year holidays]) 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM